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From Impossible To Inevitable Pdf Download

From Impossible to Inevitable - Aaron Ross, Jason Lemkin

Learn effective methods to increase your company's revenue, boosting your growth and profitability.

Today in the market we find several businesses struggling to grow, but many can' t succeed and achieve the desired result, right?

But there are always the exceptions and those that accomplish this! And this does not happen because the company performed a magic trick, is lucky or, even, has privileges.

Know that there is a method that the fastest growing companies in the world use to achieve and sustain the evolution in a much more agile way.

Do you want to know more about this method and, the best, learn a lot about it?

Let's go!

About the book "From Impossible to Inevitable"

Published in 2016, originally in English "From Impossible to Inevitable," authors Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin seek to present the details of the true manual of accelerated business growth.

Divided into 7 parts, the book covers in each part an ingredient for growth. All this content will make you reach impossible goals and turn them into inevitable successes for your business and team.

About the authors Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin

Aaron Ross was managing director of the consulting firm Predictable Revenue Inc. He and his team led to increase its sales from $5 million to $100 million. Ross has an engineering background and is the author of the best-selling "Predictable Revenue" and "Silicon Valley Sales Bible".

Author Jason Lemkin is the founder of, considered the largest SaaS community in the world. Together with Aaron, he is the author of the book "Hypergrowth: Sell 10 times more with the Salesforce model".

To whom is this book indicated?

The content of this book is ideal for all people who want to know effective methods to increase revenue. This knowledge will certainly mean a great differential for students, business people and entrepreneurs in any area.

Main ideas of the book "From Impossible to Inevitable"

This summary was divided into five parts, presenting the best strategies to increase revenue, according to the authors.

The main points of the book are :

  • Start your business focusing on a specific customer problem;

  • Have different types of lead investing;

  • Reduce the turnover of your sales team;

  • Don't let your salespeople be multitaskers;

  • Define a leader for your sales team;

  • Growth exposes your weaknesses;

  • Make the current customer buy more;

  • Make it easy and cheap to get to know you and your products;

  • Be willing to face frustrations and commit yourself to the utmost;

  • Develop the spirit of ownership in your employees.

Now, let's go to the content!

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[Book Summary] From Impossible to Inevitable - Aaron Ross, Jason Lemkin

Overview: Niche market

When we want to increase revenue and make the company grow, we end up trying to do everything for everyone. The authors consider this strategy wrong and present us another version. Mainly if it is at the beginning of the business.

The authors say that we should conquer a market niche to progress . In other words, the company needs to be recognized for solving that specific problem for a characteristic client. Besides, this will make them start looking for it and not the other way around.

But what really means market niche? Let's see!

It means having a focus on a specific client who has a specific problem, for which you know how to solve and have the knowledge.

When you solve a problem well, consequently, you open new doors and new stakeholders, leading your business to growth. This way, when a niche is dominated, you can start attacking another, that is, one at a time!

The authors cite some examples of large companies that started their business by niches:

  • started with the automation of the sales force and then added more niches;

  • Facebook started with Ivy League Universities, the best and largest in the United States, before freeing up access for everyone;

  • PayPal started with eBay users;

  • Amazon started selling only books;

  • Zappos only sold shoes.

Overview: Investing in different types of leads

Until you create a predictable sales funnel  it takes much more than marketing campaigns and offering free stuff. You need strategies that take a lot of time and dedication.

According to Ross and Lemkin, the secret of increasing sales is not in increasing the number of salespeople, but in directing more qualified leads for your team to work.

The leads are the people who responded positively to some stimulus and showed interest in your offer.

This way, there are three types of leads that we should generate, they are:

  • Seeds : They are generated from satisfied customers who do word of mouth marketing. The secret is to place customer satisfaction as 5x more important than the sale and invest as much as possible in this satisfaction ;

  • Nets : They are generated through content and inbound marketing . The goal is to create means to attract people's attention. This is done with a work of quantity, that is, you get many leads, but few are converted. In addition, it is suggested that the main subject is that in which customers like and learn;

  • Spears : Leads are generated outbound, that is, the idea is to go after the customer offering a product or service. This type has less competition, the secret is in the sale of large contracts that generate profits quickly, for this, you need to expose an easy to understand and differentiated presentation.

Overview: Optimizing sales systems

As your business grows, so do your problems. In order for you to better deal with them, Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin suggests three tips on how to scale your sales, they are: - The problems of your business grow, so do the problems:

1 - Specialization : studies show that when salespeople are multitaskers, they are inefficient. This way, specialization comes into play, and you must build your team based on four perspectives: inbound lead  qualification, active or outbound prospecting, new business closing, and after-sales support;

2 - Sales leader : one of the most important members of the sales team is the leader; it is he who will define how the team will work and the necessary strategies. This leader has to change with time and with the business growth:

    • In the beginning, this is that passionate and totally propagating person;

    • When everything's more structured, it needs that vice president who generates repeatable systems;

    • When it reaches medium size, its role will be to run after big contracts;

    • Large companies, the leaders are responsible for dashboards and adjustments.

3 - Increasing the sales team : The secret and main challenge in the sales team is to reduce turnover. According to the authors, hiring new salespeople continuously causes a delay in productivity. Always make the sales team a system, always optimizing it and making the necessary adjustments.

Overview: Sell more to current customers

A great way to increase revenue is by increasing the number of purchases from your customers.

At the start of your business, small businesses will make your business grow, but then it is necessary for big companies to get into the game. The types of customers that big businesses have are: a large number of customers who pay little, few customers who pay a little more, and even less of those that close the biggest contracts.

Some suggestions from Aaron and Jason can help us at this stage, such as:

  • Add another product at a more expensive price;

  • The seller's primary role is to create value for customers ;

  • Make it easy and cheap to get to know you and your products.

Overview: Facing difficulties

In order to achieve success, you will have to spend a lot of time, prepare to withstand everything, especially the "infernal years", those where everything goes wrong!

According to Aaron Ross and Jason Lemkin, before building a business with hypergrowth, you need to answer some questions like:

  • Am I ready for this?

  • Am I willing to commit 8760 hours a year?

  • Will I risk it?

  • Can I afford a hell of a year?

  • Can I understand that success is not an easy path?

Also, in order for you to achieve success, you need to have employees on your side who act like owners. To develop these people, the author presents the following process:

1 - Start with an evaluation;

2 - Receive feedback  and choose a maximum of two things to be your focus;

3 - Be transparent;

4 - Make a list;

5 - Review each item on the list and decide who should do what;

6 - Create obligations for each role.

After that, it's time for you to ask them to create points for improvement in their particular roles, then you should step back and let them practice, developing their skills. Finally, you should encourage decision making, this will avoid many bottlenecks at the top and excuses from employees.

What do other authors say about it?

In their research, the authors of the book " Built to Last ", Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, found that most visionary companies did not start with a revolutionary idea that made them successful right from the start. In fact, they got off to a slow start and, over time, managed to dominate their markets.

The book " Inside Steve's Brain ", Leander Kahney says that one of the causes of Apple's success is because Steve Jobs puts "creating the best user experience" as a top priority.

In " Selling to Big Companies ", author Jill Konrath explains that being focused is crucial. Don't try to sell to everyone. As you must become an expert in your customers' business, define your market carefully.

Eliminate some opportunities so you can do a better job with those that remain.

Okay, but how can I apply this to my life?

On the path of the journey to hypergrowth is common for us to face frustration and discouragement. The secret is to differentiate yourself, to seek opportunities: don't wait for them to fall from the sky.

Stop making up excuses and judgments, you are solely responsible for your results.

The three steps for you to begin your journey to success, which the authors share with us, are:

1 -Do your homework first;

2 -Find a mentor;

3 -Develop a key function for your business.

Remember that the road is long, make frustrations into positive things and develop important stuff for your company. What really matters is getting the system up and running to get the right people, the right leads, and the right sales.

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Book "From Impossible to Inevitable"


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